(1) Q: What about the area near the basket (the low post area); how do you defend the post on-ball in player-to-player?

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A: For post defense, most of the defense is done PRIOR to the post player catching the ball near the hoop on the block (we will talk about this later). However, once the post player catches the ball on the block, you will apply the same principles as when defending outside, except: 

  • since the offense is already so close to the hoop, we need to prevent the shot more than the drive/pass, so the defense can play much closer than arm’s length.

(example: this defender is closer than one-arm’s length) 

(example: this defender is closer than one-arm’s length) 

  • since the offense is already so close to the hoop, it doesn’t matter if they go to the middle now, so force the offense in the direction of their WEAK hand (if the offensive player normally shoots right-handed, make them go to the left, and vice-versa).

(example: this defender is attempting to force the offense to their left) 

(example: this defender is attempting to force the offense to their left) 

  • the defense will most likely be backed down more in the post by the offense who is trying to get slowly closer to the hoop; prepare to take blows to the chest (and be ready to take the charge) and prevent the offense from getting closer to the hoop.

(example: this defender is being backed down and taking blows to the chest) 

(example: this defender is being backed down and taking blows to the chest) 

(example: this defender is being backed down and takes the charge) 

(example: this defender is being backed down and takes the charge) 


Skills Drill #1: 1v1 Live Competition - Post 

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  • Same drill as Skills Drill #2, except the starting position is in the post (on the block) instead of the wing, and instead of preventing the offense from going to the middle, the defense should prevent the offense from going to their strong hand.