(1) Q: After the offensive player shoots, how should I prepare to get the rebound?

A: This is one of the most important parts of defense and rebounding that many people do not do. It is called the “box out.

box out.png

(2) Q: Why is the box out important?

A: Boxing out prevents the offensive player from getting into a position to get the rebound. No matter what your size is, you have the ability to box someone out. If you don’t box out, and the offense is taller than you or can jump higher than you, you will be less likely to get the rebound. Boxing out greatly increases your chances of securing the rebound. It also tires the offensive player out, and will prevent them from attempting to get the rebound in the future.

(3) Q: What is the correct way to Box Out? 


  • Locate an offensive player to box out (usually the offensive player you are assigned to, or the closest offensive player to you; we will discuss this more later)

  • Arm bar to the chest (do not foul or push; just use the arm bar to prevent the offensive player from coming closer to the hoop)

(example: this defender is attempting to force the offense to their left) 
  • Staying low in your athletic stance, swing your body around, using your butt, legs, and back to the player, now facing the hoop

(example: this defender is being backed down and taking blows to the chest) 
(example: this defender is being backed down and takes the charge) 
  • Hold positioning, not letting the offensive player get around you, and locate the basketball

  • Get the rebound (we will discuss the best techniques to secure the rebound later)



Skills Drill #1: Stationary Box Out

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  • Offensive (Blue Circle) and Defensive (Green X) Players line up in pairs opposite each other

  • The offense and defense within each pair should be about 2m from each other

  • Each pair should have plenty of space between each other (5m) so pairs don’t run into each other

  • When the coach says “go” or the whistle blows, the offense tries to run around the defensive player, and defensive player practices good boxing out, not allowing the offensive player to get around them

  • Repeat this several times until everyone’s box out form is improving

Skills Drill #2: 3-Second Box Out

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The same drill as before, but now a ball is placed 2 meters from the defense. On the whistle, the offense will try to grab the ball, and the defense will try to box out and prevent the offense from getting the ball for 3 seconds.

Skills Drill #3: Stationary Box-Out (With Shot Contest) 

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Same Drill as #1, except the offensive player has the ball, and will shoot it on an imaginary hoop about 4 meters away. The defense will contest the shot properly, then box out. The offense will not try to retrieve the ball.