Contents > 2. Defense > 2.1. Player-to-Player, 1/4 Court Defense > 2.1.3. Help Defense >  Inter-Position Transitions (Help/Deny, Help/On-Ball)


(1) Q: How do I transition from on-ball defense to help defense? 

A: Similar to when transitioning from on-ball to deny defense, you will want to jump to the ball. However in this case, you will be “jumping” farther away since you will need to get into default help position. In fact, you will most likely be turning around and running into the default help position.

(the top-left player is transitioning from on-ball to help defense)


(2) Q: How do I transition from help defense to on-ball defense? 

A: In this situation, you will most likely need to run to your assigned player, and then (long) close out into your correct on-ball defensive stance. 

(the bottom-left player is transitioning from help to on-ball defense) 


(3) Q: What is the purpose of the close out? 

A: The purpose of the closeout is to a) begin slowing down after sprinting towards your player, b) being able to contest the shot, while c) allowing for quick reaction time to guard the dribble drive if needed. 

(4) Q: How do you accomplish a proper closeout?

Steps: After sprinting towards the ball-handler with long steps, as you get closer use short, choppy steps. This allows your feet to create quick contact with the ground, and thus allow you to change directions quickly if needed to defend the dribble drive. The longer your steps are when close to the ball-handler, the longer time between each step touching the ground, and thus hard to switch directions quickly if there is a dribble drive. 

Speed: It is not a full-out sprint the entire time, since the ball-handler can dribble past you easier that way. It’s also not slow the entire time, since the ball-handler can shoot the ball uncontested if you are not there quick enough. It is a sprint at first, then the close-out causes you to slow down. 

Hands/Arms: Some prefer a two-hand close-out, some prefer a one-hand close-out with the other hand in the passing lane.

(5) Q: How do I transition between deny and help defense?

A: When transitioning between deny and help defense, continue jumping to the ball, sprinting as needed into each position.

(the top-right player is transitioning from deny defense to help defense; the bottom-right player is transitioning from help defense to deny defense) 


Skills Drill #1: Closeout 


X1 will start inside the key with the ball, and lightly pass the ball to O1. X1 will close out on O1, and defend on-ball for 3 seconds. O1 will be in triple threat, then after 3 seconds, pass the ball to the next person in line in the key. 

Rotations: X1 will become O1, O1 to the end of the line, and the next person in line will be the new X1. 

After doing this several times, X1 will then try to deflect the pass from O1 to the next person in line.

closeoutdrill (1).gif

Skills Drill #2: Help/On-Ball, Cross-Court Pass

O1 and O2 will be in the opposite corners; O1 will start with the ball. X1 will be in on-ball defense, X2 will be in help defense. 


O1 will cross-court pass the ball to O2. X1 will transition from on-ball defense to help defense. X2 will transition from help defense to on-ball defense (with a close-out). 


O2 and O1 will pass back and forth to each other every few seconds. 

Skills Drill #3: Help/Deny, Cross-Court Pass 

O1 and O2 will be in the opposite corners; O1 will start with the ball. O3 and O4 will be on the wings (these can also be dummy offense or a cone). X3 will be in deny defense, X4 will be in help defense.


O1 will cross-court pass the ball to O2. X3 will transition from deny defense to help defense; X4 will transition from help defense to deny defense. 


O2 and O1 will pass back and forth to each other every few seconds. 

Skills Drill #4: Cross-Court Pass: Combined

Same as Skills Drills #2 and #3, however all four defense are now playing. O1 and O2 will continue passing the ball back and forth, while the defense transitions.