Contents > 1. Introduction > 1.1. Possessions

1.1.2. Offensive Possessions


(1) Q: How do you win an offensive possession? 

A: Just like defense, there are many strategies to this! But again, in its most basic form, we believe the goal for each offensive possession is to take the highest percentage shot, and if possible get the rebound.


(2) Q: What are the highest percentage shots? 

A: Again this depends on many factors, including the skill of each offensive player as well as the defensive player. But in general, these will help create the highest percentage shots: 

  • uncontested shot: a clear shot with no defense close to you

  • a shot close to the basket: usually, it is easier to make a basket the closer you are (for example, lay-ups and slam dunks are the highest percentage shots)


(3) Q: But what about 3-pointers; aren’t they farther from the basket?

A: In general, 3-pointers are shot at a lower percentage than 2-pointers. However because they are worth more points, it may be advantageous to shoot three-pointers if the percentage is high enough. For example, a 50% 2-point shot is worth 1 point on average, while a 33% 3-point shot is worth 1 point on average. Be sure to only shoot 3-pointers if you have practiced a lot! (and can shoot better than 33% from there!)


(4) Q: What should I be thinking about on each offensive possession? 

A: Every time on offense, ask yourself, (i) am I doing everything I can for my team to get the highest percentage shot, then after the shot (ii) am I in the best position possible to get the rebound (which we will talk more about later).